


Advanced Creative Writing

Advanced Creative Writing is a course taught as part of the gifted program (Begabtenförderung) at our school. It is for students who have demonstrated an affinity for the English language and who have shown that they not only have a good command of the language but also want to and are able to use it creatively. They are given the opportunity to explore different writing styles and genres, to understand and emulate them, while the teacher explores different aspects of the English language and various literary genres with them. This enables gifted students to immerse themselves in a creative use of language that would not be possible within the confines of general English classes. This course challenges them to refine their own writing and their use of language, and gives them the framework, time, and guidance to do so in addition to normal teaching. Throughout the academic year, the students are also preparing to submit their work and participate in the Swiss Creative Writing Prize competition.

Detailed information can be found on the respective Advanced Creative Writing page on the website of our gifted program.