


Advanced Creative Writing

Students who have demonstrated an affinity for the English language and who have shown that they not only have a good command of the language but also want to and are able to use it creatively, are given the opportunity to explore different writing styles and genres, to understand and emulate them, while the teacher explores different aspects of the English language and various literary genres with them. This enables gifted students to immerse themselves in a creative use of language that would not be possible within the confines of general English classes. This course challenges them to refine their own writing and their use of language, and gives them the framework, time, and guidance to do so in addition to normal teaching. Throughout the academic year, the students are also preparing to submit their work and participate in the Swiss Creative Writing Prize competition.

(Schüler*innen, welche eine Affinität zur Englischen Sprache vorweisen und gezeigt haben, dass sie die Sprache nicht nur mehr als angemessen beherrschen sondern auch kreativ damit umgehen können und wollen, erhalten die Möglichkeit verschiedene Schreibstile und Genres zu untersuchen, sie verstehen und emulieren zu lernen, während die Lehrperson verschiedene Aspekte der Englischen Sprache und diverse literarische Genres mit ihnen untersuchen. Dies ermöglicht den begabten Schüler*innen eine Immersion in den kreativen Sprachgebrauch, welche im Rahmen des Grundlagefach Unterrichts nicht möglich wäre. Dieser Kurs fordert sie heraus an ihrem eigenen Schreiben und ihrer Sprache zu feilen, und gibt ihnen Rahmen, Zeit, und Anleitung, dies nebst dem normalen Unterricht zu tun. Die Schüler*innen bereiten sich auch auf die Teilnahme am Swiss Creative Writing Prize Wettbewerb vor.)

Instructor: Sara Nyffenegger

Course Commitment: one lesson every week throughout the academic year

More information respective the Swiss Creative Writing Prize.

Student Voices:

„I didn’t know what to expect when I entered the Advanced Creative Writing Course, but I was happy to find that it was just what I had been looking for. The varied and interesting curriculum struck a great balance between respecting our current abilities as writers and challenging us to try new things with our stories and poems. It was a lot of productive fun to grow and evolve my writing alongside people who shared my passion for this medium. 10 out of 10.“

(Deniz Andreani, June 2018)


„The course served as a creative outlet, helping me as a less outspoken yet still opinionated student, in voicing my thoughts on matters which were influencing my life through the creation of unique and relatable pieces of art, thus building my confidence as well as honing a new skill in the process. The pool of wide-eyed, talented students was brought together under the leadership of a young and motivated teacher, which made the course feel less like one I chose to attend, but more like one I belonged to.“

(Luka Galjer, June 2018)


Sara D. Nyffenegger: 

It has been a sheer privilege to work with students interested in the power of words and their potential impact, always eager to find new ways to express themselves and willing to put in a fair amount of extra work next to the compulsory classwork. Their dedication to their writing never ceases to impress me and it is rewarding to watch their progress not only as writers, but also their growing bond within the course, the friendships they form with like-minded students. It is moving to witness the maturity with which they receive feedback but also how they share constructive criticism themselves, trying to help their colleagues to improve their writing. Clearly, they do not only work on their writing skills in this course, but also on self-reflection, enhancing their ability to work in a team, and accepting criticism while simultaneously supporting their fellow students.