English can be seen as a universal language. In a lot of different fields of study, English plays an essential role. A lot of secondary literature is in English, and in many universities, course papers need to be written in English.
Kantonsschule Wettingen offers so-called „immersion“ classes. Next to the regular English grammar and literature lessons, immersion classes have the opportunity to experience certain other lessons in English. A total of at least 800 lessons of specialized English must be attended.
The teaching of subjects in a foreign language is called immersion teaching and is expressly recognised by the Swiss Federal Matura Regulations (MAR) and the Cantonal Matura Ordinance. The Matura certificate officially certifies bilingualism. The first bilingual Matura examination at our school was successfully completed in the summer of 2004.
Which subjects are taught in English?
From the second to fourth grade, three subjects are usually taught immersively: Mathematics, a subject from the natural sciences (Physics, Chemistry or Biology) and a subject from the humanities and social sciences (History or Geography).
Is German also spoken and tested in the subjects that are taught immersively?
As a rule, English is spoken and tested. However, unlike English lessons, exceptions are possible. In an examination, for example, a printout may be written in German if necessary; under certain circumstances, questions may be asked in German. Certain modules (e.g. discussions on political votes in Switzerland) can also be held in German. In general, immersion teaching evaluates the subject knowledge, not the English knowledge.
What are the requirements?
The programme is aimed at motivated and enthusiastic pupils who enjoy learning English and are willing to take on the extra work involved (e.g. studying English language sources in history). Additional English courses or a year abroad are not required. The teaching level in the immersion subjects is the same as in the German lessons. Many years of experience have shown that performance in an immersive subject is as good as in a non-immersive one.
What are some advantages of a bilingual Matura?
A bilingual Matura leads to an extended ability to study by facilitating the entry into the increasingly frequent English lectures; specialist literature is also usually written in English. Students with a bilingual degree have improved English language skills – a more informal approach to the foreign language and a higher level of oral and written competence.
How and where are the immersion decided upon?
At the KSWE, three classes of a year are taught immersively. If the number of registrations exceeds the number of places available, the grades from the Bez school as well as school organisational issues decide upon the enrollment into immersion classes.
Do the teachers have additional training?
All teachers who teach immersion have attended courses in the didactics of immersion teaching at a university. Their very good knowledge of English is documented by an internationally recognised certificate of proficiency („Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English“ or university degree in English).
Are special teaching materials used?
As a rule, teaching materials from English-speaking countries or English scripts created by the teachers are used.
Does the Matura take place in English?
Of the immersion subjects, only mathematics is examined orally and in writing, both in English. In the other subjects taught immersively, the Matura grade corresponds to the experience grade.